Posted: Fri, Aug 10, 2018
Last updated: Sun, Feb 9, 2020
Date |
10th August 2018 |
Lineup |
Soulfly |
Venue |
Rescue Rooms, Nottingham |
Soulfly were one of a long list of bands that I never got round to properly listening to. I’ve heard a few Derrick Green-era Sepultura songs too, which I suppose is enough. The tickets were reasonably cheap and it’s not like I get out very much. Not a lot of bands I like tour near where I am, so it’s at the point where if I’ve heard of a band and feel like they’ll put on a decent show, I’m going.
I rushed from work back home to get dressed and knock a few back before doors opened. Little did I know that there were in fact no opening acts, and Soulfly would not grace the stage until 8. I had 2 hours to kill and I was drained from work. Time to drink my sorrows away… I guess.
Every song was good. Not absolutely incredible, but fun songs to lose your shit to. I got crushed against the barrier by a few drunken dads multiple times during the show.
Mark Rizzo also treated us to a seven minute guitar solo. He went hard as hell, and I’m thankful for that.
A girl about a head shorter than me had weasled her way in beside me at the barrier. This girl must’ve been 4-foot-something considering I’m not much over 5-foot myself. She was very sweet, but kept trying to talk to me during the set. Every time I went to answer her she was like “WHAT!? WHAT!?”
Girl, my ears are currently being blown off. I can barely hear you either. The bass is tearing my body apart.
After a lot of smiling and vigourously nodding my head to let her know I was listening and attempting to answer her, she got her phone out and took a photo of herself and me both looking a right mess. No idea what she’s done with that photo. I vaguely remember some bunny ears on the screen so perhaps it was just a Snapchat thing. I’ll never know.

This shirt I impulse-bought is, uh, very edgy. It’s been quickly relegated to pyjama status. Sorry Max.